Wednesday, October 31, 2012
{song sharing} Kelvin Lim's Your Word
Today I want to share a song from Kelvin Lim.
A bit about him -- Kelvin Lim is the founder of 1am ministry (the creative arm of Eaglepoint church) and Change Your World movement. He previously was part of the Joshua Race Ministry which he was the keyboardist.
Personally, I have the privilege of meeting him time to time and collaborate with him on various projects. I am really blessed to know him as I learn a lot from him.
You can get his album at and at the same time, check the other albums of 1am ministry.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Exodus 4:1 to 17
Sharing a devotion session I did with my worship team.
Was sharing about Moses from Exodus 4:1 to 17. The thing about him is that sometimes we are act/sound like him. Totally human.
Here are some few points in this story that Moses did.. well, sounds like us..
1) Frighten (V1-3, v10)
Even though Pharaoh is the boss of Egypt, Moses forgot that God is King of kings, the much bigger boss than everyone else.
We are overwhelmed by negative thoughts and emotions and complains till we lose sight of who
really God is. We forget God is bigger.
3) Full of reasons (V10)
Each time God asked Moses to do something, Moses seems to counter it with reasons.
Like us, we always have many reasons when God
ask us to do something.
Now, if you have a friend always give you thousand of reasons, wouldn't you be annoyed? Well, can you blame God for being angry in this situation?
So yes, basically 3F.
What is amazing is how God can use someone so "weak" like Moses to lead His people out of Egypt.
Here is few things God wants to learn..
1) Let go let GOD (V2)
God ask Moses to let go his staff so God
can “use” it.
We sometimes hold on to some things too
tightly and we do not want to let go. However, if you let go, let God.. He will
perform miracles and change.
2) Trust GOD
God many times ensured Moses about His plan. God also ensured Moses that He will be with him when Moses speaks to Pharaoh.
Even when we are weak, God send help.. in this case, God send Aaron to accompany Moses.
Even when we are weak, God send help.. in this case, God send Aaron to accompany Moses.
So don't look down on yourself. Most importantly, don't look down at what God is going to do in your life! =D
If God can use someone like Moses, He can use anyone.
How deep the Father's love for us cover
I was asked to sing this song, How deep the Father's love for us, written by Stuart Townend, on Good Friday 2011 at FCC. With that, I decided to do a simple acoustic guitar cover of that song for everyone else to hear and be bless.
John 3:16
For God so love the world that He gave His son to us, so whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
May the message of the Cross bring salvation and hope to your life.
Thanks to Sam Vun (of Nosensei Production) for the editing.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Sang this song on Saturday night service. Here is the video about the song story and acoustic demonstration.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
[FCC Eng services' song list] 27-28th October
Sharing song list on this weekend.
I led worship on Saturday night..
I led worship on Saturday night..
Heart Preparing : Holy Holy holy (hymn)
THEME : into His presence
GO watch?v=MI9lKChMbnY
YOU ARE WORTHY (a song featured in Diocese of Sabah's album)
YOU ARE WORTHY (a song featured in Diocese of Sabah's album)
BETTER IS ONE DAY watch?v=bIq1j59R6tI&feature= related
I ADORE watch?v=6pb-CRDIUXM
Response :
While on Sunday, Mike Lim led..
Theme: Holy Spirit the Comforter
Heart preparing: J019 Jesus We Enthrone You G watch?v=1GeEvF9g-8s
HEAVEN INSIDE OF ME watch?v=fl8fOoF0t-0
COME HOLY SPIRIT watch?v=-R8fJO1hlg8
DRAW ME CLOSE watch?v=a_tdG9yM93A
Feel free to drop questions and comments if there's any :D
Saturday, October 27, 2012
{song sharing} The Same Love by Paul Baloche
One of the most worship leaders in the world, Paul have written many famous worship songs like Stir Up the Hunger, Open the Eyes of my heart, Your Name.
This is one of his latest song.
I love the MV, the song is beautiful as well.
Have a blessed weekend =)
Friday, October 26, 2012
Matthew 6:34
(pic source :
Thursday, October 25, 2012
{article sharing} Why I am not the next Hillsong United by Tom Read
Would love to share a blog post by Tom Read.
Hope this can encourage you and give you the thought.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
FCC Church wide prayer meeting song list - OCT
Very rare some people will do this but let me share the set list for church wide prayer meeting earlier tonight.
You are good by Israel Houghton
God is able by Hillsong
Making a difference by City harvest
We sang the songs in bi-lingual since it is a church wide affair.
God moved so mightily in our midst when we worship and prayed. Indeed, it always nice to worship and pray together as a church..
Just 3 songs..
You are good by Israel Houghton
God is able by Hillsong
Making a difference by City harvest
We sang the songs in bi-lingual since it is a church wide affair.
God moved so mightily in our midst when we worship and prayed. Indeed, it always nice to worship and pray together as a church..
Change Your World's School gig again
This is my second Change Your World school gig and the school we visited this time around was Sri Sempurna at Cheras.
Wasn't alone this time, as my friends of RELENT are together in spreading positive message to the world.
Did a few songs and it's a lovely school with lovely people.
Looking forward to more CYW gigs.
And yes, in case you need to know, I am part of the crew as a creative ambassador. Yup :)
Wasn't alone this time, as my friends of RELENT are together in spreading positive message to the world.
Did a few songs and it's a lovely school with lovely people.
Looking forward to more CYW gigs.
And yes, in case you need to know, I am part of the crew as a creative ambassador. Yup :)
{song sharing} Psalmist Generation's Amplified.
Wanna share this song that was featured in Psalmist Generation's debut album - Amplified.
Proud to say too that I was part of this family many years ago before I moved on to KL for my studies. It is where I learnt and picked up my passion in worship ministry.
It's been our dreams someday PG will release an album and finally after many years, we did it so. Very happy and proud of them.
Enjoy this song and yes, if the voice sounds familiar, it's Jonathan Tse's voice who produced the album. What a guy he is.. produced two different diocese albums - Sabah and West.
Am blessed by the album, been listening to it again and again.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Tim Lim teaching a Tim Hughes' song!
Alpha Malaysia approached me earlier of 2012 to do some song tutorial for their Alpha course. So far I did one song, it's Tim Hughes' Here I am to worship.
View it here, hope it is helpful... even those with limited skill can play it!
Fishermen's fact
In response to my own composotion song DIVING DEEPER, I want to share something relating to that..
Most importantly, God called us to be fishers of men. There’s something about fishermen that Jesus want to learn.
John 21:1-16
John 21:1-16
How many of
us knows how to fish? How many of our hobbies is fishing? Fishing ain't an easy thing to do or hobby to have but there are few things we can learn from that.
Sharing from
the context of John 21 and share some points/facts about Fishermen..
1) Patience
To fish requires lots of patient.
Christians need to be patient in doing His work. A lot of times we pushed
too hard in our ministry or expect our ministry to work like instant noodles especially our evangelism.
At the end of the day, it's the Lord who is at work. Submit to Him.
At the end of the day, it's the Lord who is at work. Submit to Him.
2) Commitment
Fishermen wake up early to fish. They work from morning to evening. Some do it nearly everyday to get fish so they can earn a living. For those fish for hobby, well, we do the same - spend time in it.
All in all, to wait for fish requires commitment. If we don't, we never get anything.
All in all, to wait for fish requires commitment. If we don't, we never get anything.
Same as Christians when we work for Him. Perseverance, commitment is
3) Courage
Fishermen need to goes to the sea to fish. Sometimes they might face storms while fishing.
Some fishermen have to dive deep into the seas to fish.
Fishermen need to goes to the sea to fish. Sometimes they might face storms while fishing.
Some fishermen have to dive deep into the seas to fish.
All these involves courage to step out to unknown to reach for something. In ministry, in our lives.. we need that too.
Back to John 21, because of this values, Jesus did a miracle in front of them -- capturing lots of fish till they unable to contain it. God is able to pour out His blessing so much that we can't contain it.
Back to John 21, because of this values, Jesus did a miracle in front of them -- capturing lots of fish till they unable to contain it. God is able to pour out His blessing so much that we can't contain it.
Most importantly, God called us to be fishers of men. There’s something about fishermen that Jesus want to learn.
Questions :-
do you have the quality of the fishermen?
do you have the quality of the fishermen?
What are the
challenges we faced as fishermen as God?
Monday, October 22, 2012
FCC BM night of worship & prayer
Had the privilege to open the BM concert night on 21st October where we have a team from St Michael Sandakan led by Florence Mathew. Sang few songs especially some from my 2nd album.
Overall, awesome worship time. Florence is such an anointed worship leader and I believe those who were there had a blessed time.
Overall, awesome worship time. Florence is such an anointed worship leader and I believe those who were there had a blessed time.
songs by TL : Diving Deeper
Let me share one of the songs I composed this year. This is not featured in my new album but thought it is too good not to share it.
Few months ago, when I was studying at Tung Ling seminary Malaysia, I composed this song which actually meant for my graduation class.
Every year, the students supposed to come out with a magazine to chronicle of our journey here at Tung Ling and their theme this year is "diving deeper". So yea, making a magazine is never easy, you need funds and funds don't just drop from sky, don't they....
The committee keep pushing us in the class to raise funds. Me being passive, sitting in class, just hearing them pushing us to get funds and then suddenly God spoke to me to compose a song out from that theme.
I immediately try to get ideas down into my notes in the middle of a class. Yes, you can say I composed a tune in the middle of a lecutre. Naughty student eh...
A classmate came to me and asked can I contribute a song to the magazine since she realized some of our seniors did it before. I said I think about it.... because at that time, I have just the chorus written down... have the tune and melody but no verse lyrics or bridge yet. Like any songwriters, sometimes we take our own sweet time to write a song....
A week later, she chased me down and asked if I am serious about it... this provoke me to start serious on the song.. hahahaha... wrote part of lyrics again during lecture and finalize everything else at home. So yes, few days later I told her I have one song.
I was naive to think that song is just for fun until I was asked to present it for everyone to hear. When everyone heard it, it hit them and they loved it. From then onwards, we keep singing it and practice it for presentation until... man... it stuck in our brain like a tattoo...
We presented this song during our graduation... and now let me present you this song for you to listen...
I want to know You
I wanna be rooted in Your word
I want to grow with Your love
I have decided to follow in Your ways O God
Your word's a light to my path
Diving deeper into Your love, into Your presence, into Your courts
Into Your love and into Your grace
I've found my reason
my hope, my joy and everything
You are the song I will sing
I've found my purpose
I'll walk by faith, not by sight
I'll give my heart to You God
I'm diving deeper, I'm diving deep into Your love
I'm diving deeper with You
I wrote this song in a upbeat tempo to capture our passion and energy in serving Him.
The story of Luke 5 in the Bible is the spiritual application of this song. This is where Jesus called His first few disciples into His ministry... calling them to be fishers of men and challenge them to come out of their comfort zone to go deeper in their relationship with Him.
It takes a lot of patience, commitment and courage to be fishermen, what more to be fishers of men. With that, Jesus just blew their minds off with a miracle -- they got the biggest catch anyone could imagine when they listened to him.
So there, the story of DIVING DEEPER -- that we want to step out to the unknown and doing great things for Him.
I really thank God for His leading in composing this song. I am amazed how He got me into composing this song and used it for everyone to be inspired in their walk for God.
Hope no matter who you are, this song can inspire you and your group to go deeper into His word.
Much love.
Few months ago, when I was studying at Tung Ling seminary Malaysia, I composed this song which actually meant for my graduation class.
Every year, the students supposed to come out with a magazine to chronicle of our journey here at Tung Ling and their theme this year is "diving deeper". So yea, making a magazine is never easy, you need funds and funds don't just drop from sky, don't they....
The committee keep pushing us in the class to raise funds. Me being passive, sitting in class, just hearing them pushing us to get funds and then suddenly God spoke to me to compose a song out from that theme.
I immediately try to get ideas down into my notes in the middle of a class. Yes, you can say I composed a tune in the middle of a lecutre. Naughty student eh...
A classmate came to me and asked can I contribute a song to the magazine since she realized some of our seniors did it before. I said I think about it.... because at that time, I have just the chorus written down... have the tune and melody but no verse lyrics or bridge yet. Like any songwriters, sometimes we take our own sweet time to write a song....
A week later, she chased me down and asked if I am serious about it... this provoke me to start serious on the song.. hahahaha... wrote part of lyrics again during lecture and finalize everything else at home. So yes, few days later I told her I have one song.
I was naive to think that song is just for fun until I was asked to present it for everyone to hear. When everyone heard it, it hit them and they loved it. From then onwards, we keep singing it and practice it for presentation until... man... it stuck in our brain like a tattoo...
We presented this song during our graduation... and now let me present you this song for you to listen...
I want to know You
I wanna be rooted in Your word
I want to grow with Your love
I have decided to follow in Your ways O God
Your word's a light to my path
Diving deeper into Your love, into Your presence, into Your courts
Into Your love and into Your grace
I've found my reason
my hope, my joy and everything
You are the song I will sing
I've found my purpose
I'll walk by faith, not by sight
I'll give my heart to You God
I'm diving deeper, I'm diving deep into Your love
I'm diving deeper with You
I wrote this song in a upbeat tempo to capture our passion and energy in serving Him.
The story of Luke 5 in the Bible is the spiritual application of this song. This is where Jesus called His first few disciples into His ministry... calling them to be fishers of men and challenge them to come out of their comfort zone to go deeper in their relationship with Him.
It takes a lot of patience, commitment and courage to be fishermen, what more to be fishers of men. With that, Jesus just blew their minds off with a miracle -- they got the biggest catch anyone could imagine when they listened to him.
So there, the story of DIVING DEEPER -- that we want to step out to the unknown and doing great things for Him.
I really thank God for His leading in composing this song. I am amazed how He got me into composing this song and used it for everyone to be inspired in their walk for God.
Hope no matter who you are, this song can inspire you and your group to go deeper into His word.
Much love.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
[FCC Eng services' song list] 20-21 October
The songs sung in all English services over the weekend...
SATURDAY (led by Mike Lim)
Theme: In God's Love
Heart Preparing : Give Us Clean Hands watch?v=A29ubURuQRQ
Running (hillsong) watch?v=3sqAp5qJ3os
Awesome Is The Lord Most High (passion/Chris Tomlin) watch?v=Tv4Qgd3I57c
You Deserve (hillsong) watch?v=vIX34RfDfl4
To The Ends Of The Earth (hillsong united) watch?v=bfce84d8TWU
Offering song : Blessed Be Your Name (matt redman)
Closing : 1st
SUNDAY (led by Tim Lim)
THEME : Into His embrace
Heart Preparing : be thou my vision (HYMN) - D
Response song for both services was To The Ends Of The Earth (hillsong united) watch?v=bfce84d8TWU
As for the hymn, yes, we did our arrangement based on that Hillsong version. I always cherish the challenge to make the hymn presentable and worship-ful for the congregation to sing along. I was once reminded by a preacher few weeks ago, it doesn't matter how we arrange the music for the hymn, as long it encouraged people to worship.
Yes, past few month, there are times we sing songs that we composed ourselves, so that explained my own song there. We trying to go towards that direction where firstly we want encourage local worship songs to be sung more often.
A general commentary, why we have THEME because it gives a general direction of the worship.
Hope you are bless by the worship and be inspired to worship God in spirit and in truth
THEME : Into His embrace
Heart Preparing : be thou my vision (HYMN) - D
DIVING DEEPER timlimproject/diving-deeper
STILL watch?v=O6Fw8DgvTQA
Offering : 2nd song
Closing : 1st song
Closing : 1st song
As for the hymn, yes, we did our arrangement based on that Hillsong version. I always cherish the challenge to make the hymn presentable and worship-ful for the congregation to sing along. I was once reminded by a preacher few weeks ago, it doesn't matter how we arrange the music for the hymn, as long it encouraged people to worship.
Yes, past few month, there are times we sing songs that we composed ourselves, so that explained my own song there. We trying to go towards that direction where firstly we want encourage local worship songs to be sung more often.
A general commentary, why we have THEME because it gives a general direction of the worship.
Hope you are bless by the worship and be inspired to worship God in spirit and in truth
Saturday, October 20, 2012
{article sharing} Something's Missing by Tim Hughes
Sharing.. i mean..copy and paste an article from Tim Hughes (from his worship central blog)
Something has been stirring in my heart. There's an unsettling; a cry for more in our worship.
Over the last decade there have been many amazing songs written that have inspired the Church and drawn millions of people into a response of worship. The quality and choice of excellent worship songs has perhaps never been better. But are we missing something?
Reading Martin Smith's book "Delirious" I was struck by his comments:
"We've become too song focused, and in truth I believe that we need to be more worship focused. We've lost the ability to push aside the songs and replace them with 25 minutes of crying out, opening our hearts and heads with the raw worship of God who's within us. With Kevin (Prosch - a pioneer of spontaneity and prophetic worship in the 1990's) you never knew what was going to happen at any point in a worship session, but in church today, often 6 songs in 29 minutes, you make sure you get your 2 most popular ones in there so they get a decent boost up the CCLI charts."
I fear that for many of us in our corporate expression of worship we've allowed the song to become king! Are we more focused on getting the songs right and the arrangements sounding huge, than we are on preparing our hearts? Are we expectant in leading a time of worship because of a great new song that connects or because God is at work?
I'm desperate to see more freedom in our worship. To move beyond the songs. The songs in themselves have never been the final destination in our worship. Simply a vehicle to facilitate our worship. How amazing would it be to spend 30 minutes standing in silence in our times of worship simply because people are blown away by the majesty of God? Wouldn't it be exciting to see congregations take over the worship spending 20 minutes singing their own songs and words in response to God's mercy?
Worship is a spiritual activity. If we want to recapture more of God in our worship, more freedom and more of God's power, it will come through following the lead of the Holy Spirit. I've been thinking about how we can step out more in the spontaneous. Not for the sake of it, but simply because we're hungry for a more authentic, raw and profound encounter in worship. Here's some thoughts:
1. PRIVATE CRY: Someone once said, "worship leading is taking your private cry and making it public." How much are we spending time alone crying out to God? Singing our own songs? Offering up our messy and heartfelt cry? If we want to step out and lead in this - we've got to engage with it ourselves.
2. LEAD WITH THE END IN MIND: In the 'Seven Habits of Highly Effective People' Steven Covey writes about the importance in leadership to begin with the end in mind. When leading worship what are we trying to accomplish? Is it to teach great new songs? Is it to encourage people to 'feel great?' Surely it's about people being freed and released to meet and encounter Christ. To spend time in his presence. To respond with gratitude and thanksgiving. Ultimately it's about relationship - intimacy. Worship is about glorifying God and enjoying him forever.
I've observed in the way I lead worship that often I try and make each session of worship the most amazing time. Nothing wrong in that - but in doing so I came to realise that I wasn't taking risks. I was in danger of focusing so much on the present that I wasn't leading with the end in mind. I wasn't thinking about where I wanted to see the worshipping life of the church in 6 months. I was taking all the leadership and responsibility of leading of worship on myself rather than placing the responsibility on the congregation. As worship leaders we need to be training, encouraging and inspiring people in their worship. We need to release their song and cry of praise and adoration. We're not about performing, we're about encouraging participation. We don't want consumers, we want a people consumed with God! In releasing this, let's not be afraid of mess and a few mistakes. It's part of the journey. It's part of relationship.
3. RADICAL FRINGE: This isn't about a haircut - but it's great to find places to step out in spontaneous, free flowing worship. Whether it's a group of mates, a prayer meeting or creative worship night. We're currently trying to put a few dates in the diary where the agenda is simply to meet with God and to step out. There's no pressure of leading a congregation. It's relaxed and a safe place to experiment and grow in this stuff.
God is up to something. I believe there's a real need for worship leaders to seek more of God's Sprit and lead in our worship. Never at the expense of content and sound theology, but surely there is a place where we move beyond the songs and find ourselves overwhelmed and undone.
P.S. Do grab a copy of Martin Smith's new book - a great and fascinating read. "Delirious - My journey with the band, a growing family and an army of history makers."
AUTHOR PROFILE : Tim Hughes is a British worship leader and singer-songwriter. He is currently Director of Worship at Holy Trinity Brompton, an Anglican church in central London, and heads up Worship Central, an international worship training and resource centre.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Jadi Seperti-Mu
Wanna share a song that touched my heart each time I listen to it. It's sung by True Worshippers Youth (Indonesian worship band).
A nice song and if you understand the lyrics, it's really meaningful and hope it touches you as well.
Jadi SepertiMu can be translated directly "to be more of You". Yes, indeed we are called to live our lives to be more and more like God.
It's a never ending process in life, it doesn't happen overnight so God always
JADI SEPERTIMU (true worshippers youth)
A nice song and if you understand the lyrics, it's really meaningful and hope it touches you as well.
Jadi SepertiMu can be translated directly "to be more of You". Yes, indeed we are called to live our lives to be more and more like God.
It's a never ending process in life, it doesn't happen overnight so God always
JADI SEPERTIMU (true worshippers youth)
Music & Lyrics by Andre Hermanto
Bapa Kau setia
Takkan meninggalkan
Dan kupercaya
Engkau milikku Dan ku milikMu
Tinggikan namaMu
Karna ku tahu
Engkau dalamku Dan ku dalamMu
Ubah hatiku
seputih hatiMu
Setulus salibMu
KasihMu Tuhan
Biar mataku
seperti mataMu
Pancarkan kasihMu
Ku mau jadi SepertiMu
Bapa Kau setia
Takkan meninggalkan
Dan kupercaya
Engkau milikku Dan ku milikMu
Tinggikan namaMu
Karna ku tahu
Engkau dalamku Dan ku dalamMu
Ubah hatiku
seputih hatiMu
Setulus salibMu
KasihMu Tuhan
Biar mataku
seperti mataMu
Pancarkan kasihMu
Ku mau jadi SepertiMu
we don't worship the worship..
We don’t worship the worship, we don’t worship the creativity, we continue to worship the risen Jesus. Creativity in music and worship is about using everything we have to tell Jesus how great he is!
(taken from Mike Pilavachi, 'Audience of One' pub. Regal Books 2005)
(taken from Mike Pilavachi, 'Audience of One' pub. Regal Books 2005)
Thursday, October 18, 2012
psalms 1:1-2
1 Blessed is the one
who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take
or sit in the company of mockers,
2 but whose delight is in the law of the LORD,
and who meditates on his law day and night.
PSALMS 1:1-2
I remembered this verse which was taught to me during my Discipleship Training few years ago. At first, it's little hard to relate to it until recently, there are few experiences that brings back to these verses.
It's easy sometimes to be embodied with chats, talks, comments that at the end of the day does not bring any benefit to you. In fact, some discourage you, destroys you, waste your time, stumbles you. So ask yourself, why waste your time in continuing to be involved in such talks?
Discernment needed in the area of discussion. Know the motive of it and why.
That's why verse 2 it says it's blessed to delight in Lord's way.
Sometimes we don't understand some things around us because we don't look from God's perspective or failed to grasp His promises. Basically what will He do in such situation. I think if we able to sit back and understand His word for us, I believe we will know that God is in control of everything eventually.
That's why sometimes I try to be wise in not getting into some chats. I said I tried.. haha.. because there were sometimes I happy I didn't get involved and sometimes I upset that I wasted time debating with them..
A lesson that I thought everyone should learn. Careful with your discussion wherever you are...
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
2nd album featured on Tabernacle Music
Love to share this page..
I am feature on local Christian music website, run by Ps. Wah Lok, called Tabernacle Music.
My profile :
My album :
It's an honor to be mentioned there along with all the talented local artist.
YAY! this stirs me to work harder..
For His glory
I will be sharing some of my devotion thoughts and reflections. Some I shared before, some are recent reflections.
Today I just want to share something I reflect few months ago. Will be sharing from Joshua 7
One thing I learn after reading and reflecting from that story is that we should be chasing God's glory, not the world's glory.
A bit of the background story... Joshua was fighting a new war, after conquering Jericho. He was about to attack the city of Ai. I was told that city is a much much smaller city than Jericho. (Ironically it sounds Ai.. in Asian culture, it sounds like small).
When attacking, the army lost terribly and Joshua came before the Lord to seek Him. You gotta understand their feelings... imagine your favourite football team, a giant lost to a small time football club.. there must be something wrong some where.
The Lord revealed the reason to Him. And Joshua went out looking for it...
He approach the camp and question everyone... when he came to Achan, he said something that really struck me.
"My son, give glory to the Lord, the God of Israel, and honor him. Tell me what you have done; do not hide it from me"
Achan then showed Joshua what he stolen from enemies' camp -- beautiful robe, gold, silver -- which was quite symbolic for me.
If you read further, Achan suffered terribly for his disobedience.
Now come back why I said it was symbolic, as Joshua said we must give glory to God.. be after His glory. But then, Achan chose to take the world's glory -- represented by robe, gold, silver.
Apply it to our lives.
When we live our lives, when we serve God, the key thing is to give God all the glory and honor He truly deserves.
Problem is some of us tend to be like Achan. Not faithful in our walk with God as it reflected in verse 1 - "But the Israelites were unfaithful in regard to the devoted things" and being tempted by the things of the world.
Be always on guard and check our hearts/attitude when we serve God. Or else it will be a big stumbling block to us or even the ministry or people around us.
It's just amazing God knows what is in our heart so no point hiding our motives from Him, just like Achan tried to hide his prize from everyone.
So be always after God's heart.. live to honor and glorify His name.
Go after His glory, not after the world's glory.
Today I just want to share something I reflect few months ago. Will be sharing from Joshua 7
One thing I learn after reading and reflecting from that story is that we should be chasing God's glory, not the world's glory.
A bit of the background story... Joshua was fighting a new war, after conquering Jericho. He was about to attack the city of Ai. I was told that city is a much much smaller city than Jericho. (Ironically it sounds Ai.. in Asian culture, it sounds like small).
When attacking, the army lost terribly and Joshua came before the Lord to seek Him. You gotta understand their feelings... imagine your favourite football team, a giant lost to a small time football club.. there must be something wrong some where.
The Lord revealed the reason to Him. And Joshua went out looking for it...
He approach the camp and question everyone... when he came to Achan, he said something that really struck me.
"My son, give glory to the Lord, the God of Israel, and honor him. Tell me what you have done; do not hide it from me"
Achan then showed Joshua what he stolen from enemies' camp -- beautiful robe, gold, silver -- which was quite symbolic for me.
If you read further, Achan suffered terribly for his disobedience.
Now come back why I said it was symbolic, as Joshua said we must give glory to God.. be after His glory. But then, Achan chose to take the world's glory -- represented by robe, gold, silver.
Apply it to our lives.
When we live our lives, when we serve God, the key thing is to give God all the glory and honor He truly deserves.
Problem is some of us tend to be like Achan. Not faithful in our walk with God as it reflected in verse 1 - "But the Israelites were unfaithful in regard to the devoted things" and being tempted by the things of the world.
Be always on guard and check our hearts/attitude when we serve God. Or else it will be a big stumbling block to us or even the ministry or people around us.
It's just amazing God knows what is in our heart so no point hiding our motives from Him, just like Achan tried to hide his prize from everyone.
So be always after God's heart.. live to honor and glorify His name.
Go after His glory, not after the world's glory.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Tom Read's debut mv

Let me introduce a friend from Hong Kong, his name is Tom Read.
It was around 3 years ago I first met him. He was part of the Vine Band that came to FCC for a night of concert. Had a great time hosting and hanging out with them.
We still keep in touch once awhile via FB & Twitter. Few years on, I am glad to hear he has released his debut album on September 17th called COMPASS.
So happen that I have a song in my 2nd album also with the same name, and I nearly titled my 2nd album after that. No, we didn't like plan to have same name titles but well, great minds think alike?? Hahaha.. it's prove of how God can inspire people with great songs.
Sorry for the sidetrack, I been reading that there is lots of rare reviews for his album.. if you interested, find out more on and
He even worked with Tim Hughes on his album. Wow.
Here is his first music video - Don't stand at my grave and weep.
Love the song very much, keep looping it and love the whole music video. It's fun mv and it's beautifully done.
Congrats once again Tom!! Hope to meet you in person again! =D
Monday, October 15, 2012
a night of worship & prayer at FCC
This Sunday, FCC gonna host a team of BM speaking worship team from Sandakan and I will be opening the night with a few songs of my own.
Come experience a night of worship!
Albums will be on sell too that night, including yours truly and the BM album.
Be there! =D
Be Thou my vision
I love listening and singing hymns. There's something special about it because of its meaningful lyrics, not forgetting it's theological teaching and beautiful melody. Something we as songwriters can learn about.
Love to share this hymn which is one of my favourite. It has some Irish background to it.
Anyway, there's many version of this "vision" song.. (just gotta say it! =P), well, today i just want share one version done by 4Him.
Be bless :)
Love to share this hymn which is one of my favourite. It has some Irish background to it.
Anyway, there's many version of this "vision" song.. (just gotta say it! =P), well, today i just want share one version done by 4Him.
Be bless :)
Sunday, October 14, 2012
[FCC Eng services' song list] 13th-14th October 2012
I was leading worship on Saturday service while Gavin led on Sunday morning.
Here was the Saturday 13th October songs :-
If you notice, yes, some songs I didn't follow the original key major for various reasons.
While here are the Sunday 14th October songs :-
Heart Preparing : You are beautiful beyond description - A watch?v=No1MfYkcNuU
Feel free to drop any questions or comments here.
Hope you had a blessed weekend. May this songs continue to minister to you and draw you closer to God.
Here was the Saturday 13th October songs :-
Heart Preparing song : Because He lives (HYMN) - G
Yours is the Kingdom (Hillsong) - G watch?v=cy-cRCeRHTk
Your grace is enough (Matt Maher version) - G watch?v=LISbMRp0Y64
To You (Hillsong) - G watch?v=SQzMiHY79b8
Come to Jesus (planetshakers) - C watch?v=KLyM1SyswVM
Response : 5th song
offering : By Your side (Hillsong) - G watch?v=kD179ljXKUk
Closing : 1st song
Closing : 1st song
If you notice, yes, some songs I didn't follow the original key major for various reasons.
While here are the Sunday 14th October songs :-
Heart Preparing : You are beautiful beyond description - A
You are good (Israel Houghton) - E com/watch?v=b-zGuoc9RKY
How good it is - E watch?v=vUIKEPgOLQg
Yours is the kingdom - E http://www. cRCeRHTk
When I survey the wonderous cross (Tomlin/Matt Redman) - D watch?v=_sKcw9_PQYA
Heart after You (city harvest) - E watch?v=rM2XObbUjyk
Respond: 5th song
Offering: 1st song
Closing: 3rd song
Feel free to drop any questions or comments here.
Hope you had a blessed weekend. May this songs continue to minister to you and draw you closer to God.
1st post
Hi everyone!!
There are few reasons why I decided to open this blog :-
1) I always been asked about the song list we sing at FCC or the song selection I choose in any events.
2) To share some thoughts about worship. Either mine or some journals/articles I read.
3) To be a blessing! =)
Actually I been thinking hard whether opening this would be purposeful or not but then, part of me feel it could do more good to no matter who is out there.
So, I hope this can be a blessing to you!
Much love.
There are few reasons why I decided to open this blog :-
1) I always been asked about the song list we sing at FCC or the song selection I choose in any events.
2) To share some thoughts about worship. Either mine or some journals/articles I read.
3) To be a blessing! =)
Actually I been thinking hard whether opening this would be purposeful or not but then, part of me feel it could do more good to no matter who is out there.
So, I hope this can be a blessing to you!
Much love.
why this blog page?
There are few reasons why I decided to open this blog :-
1) I always been asked about the song list we sing at FCC or the song selection I choose in any events.
2) To share some thoughts about worship. Either mine or some journals/articles I read.
3) To be a blessing! =)
So yea, I hope this can be a blessing to you!
Feel free to write/comment/ask question. I will try my best to answer them. Even if I don't, don't be offended yea.
Feel free to use the song list as your reference when comes to choosing songs. The reason I am sharing so I hope this can guide you.
Much love.
1) I always been asked about the song list we sing at FCC or the song selection I choose in any events.
2) To share some thoughts about worship. Either mine or some journals/articles I read.
3) To be a blessing! =)
So yea, I hope this can be a blessing to you!
Feel free to write/comment/ask question. I will try my best to answer them. Even if I don't, don't be offended yea.
Feel free to use the song list as your reference when comes to choosing songs. The reason I am sharing so I hope this can guide you.
Much love.
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