Sunday, June 30, 2013

12 hours A Day of Praise and Worship 2013

On 27th July, will be part of this extravagant event.. 

Will be leading on the 3pm slot.. 

Apart from that, feel free to join anytime that day from 9am to 9pm. See you!!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

hazy lesson

After one week having haze over this country, today I m just thankful for clear skies, fresher air and bright hot sun as I walked into office today.

The whole incident of haze really brings a different perspective to me.

I sometimes feel we Malaysians need to realized that we cannot take things for granted. When haze happen, everyone react as though the world is gonna end. But I do hope we Malaysians will able to see things clearer.. pun intended...

And when rain comes, it just pours. Reminds me so much that when God pours, He pours more than enough. How loving, marvelous He is.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

(songsharing) Christ is Enough by Hillsong

This song been looping in my head lately.

Love the chorus and the bridge part. Although the whole feel of the song is like "God is able" song but love the declaration of this song. Be blessed by it. 

Can't wait to hear their new album.

Monday, June 24, 2013

[FCC ENG SERVICE] 22nd-23rd June song list

Saturday worship was led by Mike.

Theme: God is Faithful
Heart preparing : Our Father

Offering : You are worthy (Diocese album)
Response : 4th
Closing : 3rd

Caroline led Sunday worship..

Heart Preparation :  My greatest love is You 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

school gig with CYW

Had a great time with Change Your World crew at Bukit Bintang school. Glad to be given the opportunity to be part of a crew that create awareness about modern day slavery/human trafficking.

At the same time, let me introduce a special person..

This is Kelvin Lim, founder of Change Your World movement. He is a businessman, well-known local music producer and once was a part of the Joshua Race band. Such an honour to partner with this man in the cause of creating awareness about modern day slavery & human trafficking. I enjoyed every moment of our partnership and we will keep going like what their phrase says "engaging creativity to save lives"..

That is what we all believe in.. using what we have to create an impact in our community!

Get to know the cause more at

Sunday, June 16, 2013

[FCC ENG SERVICE] 15th-16th June song list

Saturday songs was led by me..

HP : In Christ alone (just chorus)
THEME : Jesus be the center

Offering : Forever
R : 5th song
C : 3rd song

Mike Lim led on Sunday...

Theme: His Love

R: 4th song
C: 2nd 

Friday, June 14, 2013

thank you

I just want to thank everyone who wished me.

Your messages, even as simple as it is, means a lot to me. 

I thank God for everyone of you for being part of my life. 

An awesome pastor in Ipoh always like to tell me that "the best is yet to come".. I believe so too for you and me. May you all have a fruitful life ahead.. Be awesome as always!

Much love!!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

experience kindness, share kindness

Recently shared a devotional thoughts with my worship team members about kindness.

The sharing partly inspired by the reading I read at Nicky Gumbel's devotional material.

My sharing is taken from 2 Samuel 9:1-13

In summary, King David wanted to show kindness to the household of Jonathan, who many years ago, helped David. Finding out that Mephibosheth is Jonathan's son, he welcomed him and make him dine together with the royals.

Everyday, we have the opportunity to experience kindness and share kindness. Big or small deeds. Be it fetching people or being offered a lift. Giving free drinks to strangers or being blessed with something. The list goes on.

I felt the world really need this.. kindness. In a world where so much darkness, we need such attitude to light up the world.

We are called to be salt and light of the world.. therefore, to show kindness is one way we can do it. To our friends, family and community. Most importantly, to the world.

In short, we are blessed to be a blessing.

All in all, remember that God Himself showed His kindness to us.. by sending Jesus to die on the Cross so we can be with God again. 

Like the example David showed to Mephibosheth, David restored his place among the royals despite Mephibosheth feeling inadequate. God restores our relationship so we can have fellowship with Him.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

(article sharing) Do What You Love Around Those You Need To Love by Neli Atiga

I am blessed to read this article from Neli Atiga

What a timely reminder :)

DEYC2013 highlights

Here are some highlights from DEYC2013 which I recently went...

Great times, see you next year! :D

[article sharing] worship leader's schedule

Reason I share this article because it somewhat reflect my schedule which somewhat similar to how this person planned. 

At least this helps me to explain my life in this ministry a bit.. how i plan the worship songs.. how I do my work..
Of course, things might vary a bit depending on situation.. so ya.. in a nutshell.. just read this...

Not saying it's the perfect formula.. but I hope it gets you some idea and guidelines in planning songs and preparation. 

Monday, June 10, 2013

[FCC ENG SERVICE] 8th-9th June songs

Saturday worship was led by Caroline..

Heart Preparation : God will make a way 

Offering: O how good it is 
Response:  I just want You
Closing : 1st song

While on Sunday, I led the worship...

Heart preparing : Be still for the presence of the Lord 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

[songsharing] Worthy is the Lamb

Over the weekend, we sang this song.. in both English services.

Perhaps God's spirit spoke to both me and Caroline (who led on Saturday) to choose this song.

When the church sang this song over the weekend, it suddenly became like our anthem for this weekend.

Simple and powerful.

Somehow as we sing this song this weekend, this song just broke my heart and my spirit really cried out to Him. Really was ministered by this song.

Indeed, worthy is the Lamb.

This recent version done by Darlene Zschech is just beautiful and powerful at the same time.

Be bless by it =)

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Was in Sandakan from June 3rd to June 6th for Sabah Diocese's English Youth camp.

Led a few worship sessions there.

And the sight of leading worship in a very historic church building is beautiful. Seeing the sun shining down the glass.. reminds me of God's shining love.

gonna echo everyone's thoughts out there that DEYC2013 was memorable. I m glad to be part of it! :)

Sunday, June 2, 2013

[FCC ENG SERVICE] 1st-2nd June

We had cell celebration over the weekend at FCC.

Cell celebration is a concept we have in FCC where we celebrate the life in the cell group. Cell group has always been an important part of our church life we get to come together to have fun, fellowship and learn God's word.

Songs on 1st June was ..

Heart preparing : 3rd song chorus

Offering : One Day
response : 3rd song

Closing :

On 2nd June.. the songs were..

HP : You are welcome 

Praise Him in the sanctuary 

Offering :  Jesus my heart is overflowing
Response : 4th song
Closing : 2nd song