Monday, September 30, 2013

music moves us all

Repost from a picture i was tagged on fb.

One of the joys that I experienced in playing in various gigs is seeing people from different ages enjoying the songs and the music.

This kid is one example.. Was dancing and clapping while I was singing. 

Sometimes I wished all of us are so simple minded like them.. just let go and enjoy the music..

Anyway, it's definitely a very memorable sight =D

platform school performance

thanks for having me around. Had fun there, a simple and intimate gig.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

new song on the way..

Had a fair share of fun in recording today. Nailed a new song which hopefully can be release at end of November. Excited to release this one because it shows a different side of my songwriting. Hope this song would turn out great, now in post production period. Stay tuned. 

For time being, i will just be doing singles to just keep you guys excited. Thanks for the support, ya, can't wait for you all to hear more stuff from me! 

Monday, September 23, 2013

22nd September English song list

English Sunday service songs by Mike..

HP: God Is Able      
God is great 
Rock of Ages
God Is Able                                                 
Christ Is Enough 

O: Give Thanks
R: 4th
C: Nothing is impossible 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Christ Is Enough (cover)

It was a random idea..

Was practicing with Mickey for next week's gig...

And suddenly thought of doing this cover.. a song that really moved me a lot..

Enjoy it.. !  =P

Freedom Weekend

Freedom Weekend with the Change Your World crew was awesome! 

Let us all continue to make a difference in the community

those who came for the Freedom Weekend, here is their official website. Check it out, get to know them more!

If you haven't LIKE their FB page... go LIKE it, go share it too.. :D

Monday, September 16, 2013

[FCC ENG SERVICE] 14th and 15th September 2013 songlist

I guess it's been sometime we here experience two female worship leaders over the weekend. Praise God for how He raise new worship leaders :)

Saturday songs was led by Caroline.

O : 1st song
R : 4th
C : 2nd

While Kitt led on Sunday..

Heart Preparing : Because He lives

How great Thou art

O: the heart preparing song

Sunday, September 15, 2013

you are the best sermon

evergrowing everloving

How many of us really go back and reflect God's word? This week, as I reflect, it stirred me.

the theme "evergrowing everloving" are not just some fancy or catchy words being put together... it's actually a big thing to live up to. It's a call for everyone to live that life. 

How many of us really have been doing that?

Friday, September 13, 2013

flashback friday : 1st album launch

was going through my old photo albums and was looking particularly at my first album launch pictures. One thing that struck me was that I am glad to see everyone that I know turned up that night and for that, I am forever grateful for your support.. you know who you are. Four years on after that night, your support has encouraged me a lot.. for that, a massive thank YOU and love from me to all of you. Cheers.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Bible miniseries

I recently watched the Bible miniseries produced by Mark Burnett, the famous producer behind Survivor and other reality series.

Honestly, I am pretty much encouraged by the whole series.

What I like about this series is the spiritual lessons.. that's why I felt encouraged after watching it.

Yea.. so many things I felt God spoke to me through this series but perhaps as time goes by, I try to share some thoughts here.

But one sentence they always seems to repeat is "God is with us". That seems like a simple yet strong sentence for me. That sentence resonates through out the series which reminds us that God is always with us no matter what situation. He is indeed the same yesterday, today, tomorrow.

Well, thank God for how He use media in a mighty way. A lot of rave reviews for this series.

If you have the chance to watch the series, I encourage you to watch it.

Freedom Weekend (with Change Your World)

On 21st September at FCC, we are going to have a Freedom Weekend.

Freedom Weekend is an evangelistic event co-organized with Change Your World to create awareness about modern day slavery.

Bring your family and friends for this special night!

Here is the link on FB :

Join us for a great time of exuberant music as well as discovering the message about why we need to save lives.

To know more about Change Your World, log on to their website at :-

Monday, September 9, 2013

My Life (2013 version)

Want to hear something special? :)

To celebrate the 4th anniversary of my 1st album release, here is one track for everyone to enjoy.. !!
An updated version of the song that is featured in my first album. Giving it a fresh and edgier sound :)
Big shout out to everyone out there for your tremendous support over the years :)


It's been 4 years since this album has been launch...

Eversince then, the album journey has been incredible. Ups and downs, meeting new friends, seeing how people are blessed and at the same time, being blessed by them.

The heart of THIS ROAD is about journey in life. Life is full of decision and sometimes we need a step of faith to make decisions as it shape every aspect of our life.

The album has very much chronicle my heart as I learn the journey in life and hope it encourage people at their point of their life as they go through it.

My favourite song is still gotta be "Lost in love/amazing grace". One of the first song I recorded for the album, it pretty much set the tone for the album. God's grace is always enough for us even when we feel we are so inadequate. I remember writing this song.. right after my devotion time.. reflecting how God's grace has brought me this far in life.. and indeed it still does.

That's why till today this song is still special in my heart.

Anyway, a big thank YOU firstly to God, for without Him, none of this is possible. Secondly to everyone out there.. family, friends, fans... your life have been a blessing and inspiration to me. Thank you all for your encouragement throughout this journey.

Cheers. Here's to more albums and songs :)

Thursday, September 5, 2013