Tuesday, July 21, 2015

3rd anniversary of THE DAY AFTER

How time flies!! Exactly 3 years ago, my 2nd album - THE DAY AFTER was released. 

My heart is really full of gratefulness for all the love and support shown so far. It is your encouragement and support that keeps me going on. There is so many people to thank for making all this possible. Most importantly, i want to thank God for this journey so far and how He has used this album to bless so many people.

Looking forward to greater things to come!

Cheers to all of you!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Songs for 19th July

Led worship at 10am English service and the songs were...

HC : You are the strength when I am weak  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYxJc0PTXiY

O : Because He lives  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNj0SxkrCbA
HC : (same with heart preparing song)
R : 4th
C: 2nd song

Sunday, July 12, 2015

songs on 12th July

Here are the songs chosen in 10am english service at ASC

HP : Jesus we enthrone You  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_s0j44LDIME

O : leaning on the everlasting arms HC : I'm forgiven 
R : 4th
C : 1st

Sunday, July 5, 2015

wedding gig

Was invited to Labuan for the first time in my life. Read about the details on my personal journal.

Performed my own song "make me feel" live.

Thank you mr and mrs Theodore for having me there.

Jon Foreman's latest quote

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Darlene's quote

Saw this FB post by Kari Jobe on worship and thought I picked one quote to share here.

"we as worship leaders should be called worship releasers because our job is to help people release their worship to our Savior. We need to circumstance-proof our worship- not just worship when we feel like it or only when things are in a good place. Always worship. She also said not to stay silent- open our mouths and worship. Be intentional and honest, worship from a place of truth. These are the kind of worshippers He's looking for".
-- Darlene Zschech