to last week's Groundeatery gig with these champions RELENT and Kent Sim. Fun night and thank you Shirley for the
opportunity to share some Christmas joy to the community 😊
One of my 2016 resolution is to get this music/gig train running again
after some quiet time in KK. I set out to do it, with a prayerful heart.
Looking back, I am grateful to God for His grace in fulfilling that
There were lots of memorable moments and I am
thankful for it. I am grateful for all the friends I made throughout
this journey. They are wonderful and their love for music inspires me to be better.
2017 is going to be awesome. I just can feel it. Anyway, please follow Tim Lim for the updates. There's ideas waiting to be shared, time will tell what it is all about.
A huge thanks for all the support and love. Cheers and much love.
event was literally luminous. Event was more than "lit". The "thank
you" list will be long but I really wanna thank everyone that came and
those direct or indirectly involved in many areas of this wonderful
night. We all really light up the atmosphere.
When it went on FB live awhile...
Food trucks!
The amount of preparation put in was crazy. I am quite humbled by the effort despite the shortcomings. I love my church. I wish people would appreciate them more than they should.
Had a fun time in "lighting and music" segment too. I did 2 slots, Rebecca Lo and Grace Pang took one each. Both did well. I had fun especially in the 2nd slot which leads up to Christmas countdown.
one of the walkthrough scene.Stay tuned for more pictures once it's up on FCC FB.
Even though the night was
fun and all, my prayer is that the message of being the light of the
world impacts and inspire you to be one.
Before Jesus was
born, hope seems lost and the world was in darkness. His coming has
brought light and those who knows the light are called to experience Him
fully and to live it out that light.
Let's light up this world when
all seems groom and dark.
"Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven" -- matthew 5:16
Apart from singing, i think it's my first time sharing about the gospel in public. It's Christmas, it's a wonderful time to share the Gospel to a world where often despair dominates the headlines.
I am blessed by what happened today and grateful to do this with @groundeatery.shirley, @tneksim and @relentband. Their talents encouraged me a lot. Thanks for the opportunity to partner in this, love your hearts yo!
Looking forward to exciting Christmas especially Luminous at @ilovefcc !! Woots!!
Probably you are as curious as cats about what is prepared for Luminous. Fear not, here is some behind-the-scenes look of what is going to happen :-- https://www.facebook.com/ilovefcc/posts/1194875593953955
It's not too late to join in!! We have plenty of space for the whole neighbourhood to come. You must not miss this Christmas eve celebration, a different event than any FCC Christmas event we have.
Take note for the walkthrough, if you want to be on the priority list, you need to register at https://fccluminous.eventbrite.com which also comes with a free lanyard and glow-sticks (while stock lasts!)
I will be sharing on that night. I am quite excited to share as well!
And oh, during "lighting and music" section (from 8pm onwards), I will be performing some Christmas songs, covers and my own songs. If you want to hear a different side of me, you must not miss this. Moreover with awesome lights around the hall, it's an experience like no other. Not forgetting, you need to hear two young talented singers Grace Pang and Rebecca Lo Qi Ai singing live as well. Come support these people, they might be the next big thing, you never know! :D
So come to FCC in the evening. Although event starts at 6pm, please come early to get good spots in the hall.
Come join me, @tneksim and @relentband in bringing some Christmas cheer in @groundeatery! Come for great food and music!! More details, please checkout their fb page.. so see you there!!
Another interesting thing happening on this Saturday during Luminous event.
From 8pm onwards in the main hall, there will be "lights and music" event. Besides enjoying the wonderful light decorations and Christmas feel, there are some live music happening as well. I will be singing some songs with these two talented girls @gracepang16 and @loqiai performing as well. I will be at the start and the end of the show, then Rebecca taking 930pm slot while Grace is singing from 1030pm. So, come hear us singing live while the light show going on.
Today was
rather interesting. The office got a news on Friday night that they may
be a powercut on Sunday, so we prepared as much as we can (mentally and
physically) for it. Turns out there wasn't any disruption throughout the
whole day. Sort of relief.
Well, leading
up to Christmas and 2017, there's a lot of preparation needed, which
means, every now and then, some people get panic. A lot of thoughts
going on in my mind as well.
There's one
sermon from Canon KheeVun that always sticks in my mind about
Christmas/Advent. It's not merry.. but it's messy Christmas because 2000
years ago, the world is a mess before Jesus was born.
The world today
is still a mess. We are too. That's why we need Him. Peace has come so
let it come to our hearts, let that hope illuminate our path.
"Peace is not merely the absence of external trouble - it is the
"presence of a Saviour" who cares about the human condition" -- Brian
am back on the gig circuit and it's going be a fun month to cap off the
year. Taco Tuesday on the 6th and among the featured acts on 12th.
Closer to Christmas, I will be performing at Groundeatery with my fellow
#heartcore family, Kent Sim and RELENT to spread some Christmas joy.
Christmas eve will be a massive event with FCC, an event like no other where you have food, fun, music and message, all in the spirit of Christmas.
those are the main course for December gigs. I personally would want
YOU to be at these events. Let's have fun and catch-up. Like seriously.
It's Christmas so there's no better way to do this! =)
There might be minor appearance in here and there (well, since it's Christmas) so you need to stay tuned to my Facebook page for the updates.
What a day it has been. The "thank you" list is gonna be super long. yea.
thank you to our family members (both sides) whom have been amazing in helping us to be prepared for today.
thank you worship team for serving with excellence. I can never be any prouder of you all.
thank you Victor Lee and the usher team. every single one of you. you guys are the best ushers any church would be proud of.
HueyYeu Chin
whom we entrusted with the responsibility in making sure everything
runs smoothly. She served with a lot of heart and deserves a lot of
Kitt Chong and Caroline Lee whom have been very helpful to Audrey in getting everything done as well.
Thank you to those who helped us in making sure every details of the wedding in looking into. Like friends and staff team.
Thank you to the best men and bridesmaid for helping both of us to feel at ease throughout the day.
huge thank you to everyone for attending and making our wedding day
beautiful. Audrey and I have been looking through all the pictures that
being uploaded on social media and we both totally love what we saw. All
of them are beautiful and we are very happy that you all are able to
celebrate this memorable day together with us.
am sorry if we didn't have much time to catchup with some of you all
but thank you for coming all the way to attend the wedding. We would
love to catch-up with you more someday.
Thank you also for some of your messages on social media. Thank you for your wishes and love shown.
Most of all, thank You God for everything. All glory to You!
Recently I went to their MV launch and have listened to their song already. To be honest and not being bias, I am loving this track. Been looping over and over again.
I was briefly mentioned on a local Christian website.
Ok, largely the article is about what's heartcore is all about. I am so
honoured to be part of something that is bigger than myself.
Meanwhile, free advertisement for Faith Christian Centre since all the pictures taken from the recent #fccgoesheartcore event. And one of the songs performed that night is riding high on Hitz.fm
ROAD was a reflection of my life journey prior to its release. The
inspiration behind the name THIS ROAD actually came from Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken" poem. Why I love that poem is that it reflects the decision we make in our life.
songs basically reflect the album name itself. It was really a step
unto the unknown and a lot of people think I was crazy to produce an
album. 7 years on, I learnt a lot and I feel there's so much to learn as
singer-songwriter, musician and a child of God. Today, as I look back, again I am thankful for all the support and experience shown. Looking
ahead, while there's opportunities and life, I determined to do my
best. There are moments where I feel like giving up but somehow I am
still thriving. A
lot have asked about 3rd album. I can't say when but again, it's down
to God's timing. I am writing new materials now and I am excited about
it. But let's see how this goes from here.
Once again, thank you all. I believe there's better things ahead for all of us =)
7 years ago, I took some pictures there for my first album and I
remembered that time it was just an empty abandoned building. Recently, I
read that it became a cafe so I went to have a look.
Quite interesting and was amazed how they turned the place into something wonderful.
how this place went from hopelessness to a place full of vibrancy
brings me to the thought that God will make things beautiful and new in
His timing.
On the eve of my 7th anniversary of THIS ROAD launch, through what I saw, I thought that is a nice reminder 😊
I thought I want to share this testimony. A testimony to show of God's grace and glory.
I guess a lot of people's impression that I came out with this awesome pun concert name called Heartcore. hahaha. Sorry it wasn't me but well, read about the story here about it means actually..
In a nutshell, Heartcore is all about our hearts being centered on God, coming back to heart in serving and worship. So it's appropriate that this concert, the heart of it is God Himself.
To organize Heartcore in FCC is not easy. The details to look into was taxing. It's tiring, can't stress that more, when some people give unnecessary stress on details. I know a lot of people often say "this guy always love to do concert", truth is.. doing concert is not easy and I don't do it for the sake of doing it. To add to that, a lot of people have different views what a concert should be.. moreover, an "evangelistic concert". But looking up to God is the remedy. Often, I trust God will move in ways that we cannot imagine.
One of the faint ideas I have prior to coming to KL is to explore doing a concert this year at FCC. I actually prayed about it. I've been going around with ideas like doing one on our own or get performers in (something like what I have done with RELENT over the years).
I actually heard and read about Heartcore tour, in fact Neil (of RELENT) shared with me about it. I love their idea and it's actually my dream (or vision) to be part of something big for God. I did roughly kept in touch with Jeff Kumar on Facebook and we've met up occasionally but it was my meeting with Darren Teh (An Honest Mistake singer who also plays bass in AOT) that changes everything.
We talked more about the Heartcore initiative and it is exactly what I love to be part of. Then immediately I sold that idea to my senior pastor who so happened to be at where we were discussing. Since then, ground work has been laid.
What I am trying to say is as I reflect back on what happened, I learn that when you commit your plans to God, when you seek Him then you go and work on it, God will open doors.
Another dream come true for me is to work together with AOT. I heard of them since I was young and they are the band that inspired me to go all out for God in music. I always hope to meet them someday, perhaps to collaborate on something.
It was this song that changed my view on music especially local Christian music. I have heard Christian hard rock albums before, especially from America (think Kutless, Relient K, Thousand foot krutch) but for something local like this, I feel that's something to take note of. And yes, I keep looping this song every now and then. Even today. CLASSIC =)
Many years on, here I am today with my own songs and albums with a purpose all out for God. All thanks to God's leading that we have the opportunity to meet and now, we are working together on this mission to use local Christian music to impact the nation here and beyond. We have been keeping in touch a lot lately because we are totally sold out on this mission and it's exciting to see how God is leading us towards that mission. Loving the fact I am part of something that is bigger than myself.
In summary, only God can make this radical dream come true and possible. Only GOD.
This whole experience can only inspire me to trust in God for open doors and a reminder that the best is yet to come.
I hope this inspires you as well to live and pursue God for your dreams, ambitions and hopes. It can be music, it can be arts, it can be a working field, it can be in an area or a mission field that God has planted in you.
I always love what C.S. Lewis said — 'You are never too old to set another goal, or to dream a new dream.'
Anyway, thanks all for being part of this awesome concert. The testimonies I hear so far have been encouraging. At the same time, I appreciate all the feedback that I have hear.
Thanks to all the acts -- Army of Three, Relent, Joanne&Julia, South&the Lowlands and Kent Sim. Thanks cell leaders and ushers in doing the ground work. Thank you everyone who came, I believed you are blessed by what God is doing through everyone's gift -- be it music or the ushering.
This Saturday is the massive #heartcore party. Taco Tuesday on those Frontera times. 9th September might be something special or just a low profile note. Or not. Haha. Other than that, perhaps a few occasional pop ups.
Beyond September, i will have another massive gig before the biggest gig of all time, my wedding. Probably some quiet time before bringing some Christmas cheer.
Pretty much that's the #timlimproject plan so far. I will see you at any of those plans mentioned above.