Sunday, June 26, 2016

Saturday, June 25, 2016

you can call me...

Yet another milestone in my life.

The feeling of officially being called "pastor" is slowly sinking in for me honestly.

The best is yet to come, they say.

Past few days, or weeks, or months, my mind have been wrapped around by a lot of things. From my wedding preparation to ministry and also music. It's all exciting, honestly. Tiring and stress, yes but it's all good and fun to experience the colours of life.

Well. The best is yet to come. We often say.

There is so many people i want to appreciate, past and current, for impacting me in a small or massive way to where i am today. That's the beauty of life, where in each person we meet, we can learn something from them.

God be the glory for this milestone. All blessings comes from Him, it is Him that make all possible.

To quote Spiderman :- "with great powers comes great responsibility".

There's a lot ahead for me to learn and by God's grace, I will keep running the race and will keep doing what I love.

Well, they always say.. The best is yet to come..

Cheers. All glory to God. Thanks all for your prayers and encouragement. Let's work together, all for His glory.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

tonight (LIVE at Frontera)

Here's another recorded footage of my recent performance, thanks to photaigraphy.

Stay tuned in (or FB) for latest update for my music journey.

Cheers, happy THURSDAY yo!

PS : checkout Open Mic Malaysia for the best coverage on open mics around Malaysia #openmicMY

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Good Good Father (cover)

Here's the cover!

Father's Day is always a special day to remember the hardwork and sacrifices which fathers make for their family. It's also a wonderful reminder on what a wonderful Father we have in heaven. Loving and kind despite the shortcomings we may have.

May this song reminds us the Fatherly love which we can be thankful for. =)

This song goes out to all fathers and fatherly figures like my dad.

Special mention to Lemuel Chung, Wong Wai Yee and Mickey Liau for partnering in this cover.

Enjoy this cover, share it if you must!


Thursday, June 16, 2016

videos by Kakiseni

Well, it's nice to know that my performance at Merdekarya recently got recorded by the people of Kakiseni.

Here's the links :-

Monday, June 13, 2016


A photo posted by Tim Lim (@timlim12) on
On eve of my birthday, i read a really heartbreaking news that Christina Grimme passed away. Never has a celebrity death like hers hit me hard. The fact that it happened while she is doing what she loves and passionate about makes me wonder how can such tragedy happened. Yet again, it's a reminder that life can be unpredictable.

Before I slept, I listened to her cover of "in Christ alone". This paragraph always hits me because it just sums up what life in God is all about :-

"No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life's first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
Till He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand"

That song again reminds me of the hope that I stand on. The hope only God can give.
Waking up on Sunday reminds me that I am privileged to do what God has given to me. That I am able to breathe life and live each day given to me by God. That I can experience hope and peace only God can give.

While we count our blessings from God, let's make our life count as well.

Anyway, thank you all for your birthday wishes and simple gestures like messages and meals. It means a lot to me and it's nice to be reminded how wonderful it is to know all of you.

Cheers and much love

Monday, June 6, 2016

Carrie and music

Someday, I pray this will happen in Malaysia =)

Sunday, June 5, 2016

#sermonrecap MATTHEW 16:13-20

Here’s a story, also mentioned in Mark 8:27–30 and Luke 9:18–20 but Matthew has more details.

after His busyness of ministry (feeding and debating with Pharisees), Jesus was chilling out with his disciples and as they are walking in Caesarea Philippi which is as pagan territory, Jesus asked a question that caught everyone by surprise.

The response is quite interesting.

It's important to know the truth. Verse 14 shows their answer was based off what they hear or perhaps they have a sense of fear. Unconvinced, Jesus asked again and this time, Simon answered boldly, in Matthew 16:16 -- "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."

Now the confession of Jesus as Christ the Son of living God speaks that Jesus is King to Peter and in other gospels, it shows that Peter acknowledge Him as the Messiah. It also revealed the divinity of Jesus – “son of God”

He was convinced that Jesus was the promised Messiah, the coming king who would miraculously heal the people and drive out the oppressors in the land.

The confession of Peter is very crucial for the foundation of the church, which based on the truth of Jesus.

The declaration of Simon about Jesus affirms that church shall be built on that declaration as the foundation of truth. That is why Simon is then given the name PETER means “the rock”. And this rock, Jesus says He will build his church. Jesus is not exalting Peter but rather, declaring into the spiritual realm that the ministry of Jesus and the extension of His kingdom anchor on these words.

This is important, to say that Christ was going to build his church on that foundation so that every doctrine, teaching, writing, organizing is Christ-centred.

It’s important for us to understand that because these days people can say all sort of things on how to run a church. But at the end of the day, it needs to be Jesus way where He is center of it all, He is the foundation of the truth. Jesus foretold it in Matthew 7 that following God’s word is like building a firm foundation.

From foundation of church, Jesus goes on to say that keys to the kingdom of heaven will be given.

We can relate keys to “unlocking” or “opening”, meaning that you have the power of access (eg house, things, car). Hence, in the Bible, a key is used as a symbol of power and authority. The kingdom of heaven here means, doubtless, the church on earth. When the Saviour says, therefore, he will give to Peter the keys of the kingdom of heaven, he means that he will make him the instrument of opening the door of faith to the world the first to preach the gospel to both Jews and Gentiles. In short, the declaration of Peter has the honor of first opening the doors of the gospel to the world.

Then what Jesus means about “bind” and “loose”? The phrase "to bind" and "to loose" was often used by the Jews as “to prohibit” and “to permit”. Simply say that whatever we hold back, will be reflected in the spiritual atmosphere. Same thing as well when comes to releasing the gospel and blessings.

Finally, Jesus safeguards the method of the kingdom by forbidding publicity (v. 20). Jesus was not trying to keep the message quiet, or his identity a secret. He was refusing to bow to the demands of the people to declare himself with a sign. He wanted people to come to faith in Him as Peter and the disciples had done, through the response of faith to the revelation. He wanted to make sure that they would come to Him by faith, and not because of messianic zeal without true repentance. And He wanted to ensure that the steady progress to the cross would not be hindered by full disclosure. After the resurrection there would be complete proclamation to the world.

But at the end of the day, we need to go back to the basic question : when Jesus ask the question “who do you say I am”, it’s question that test the truth.

Know the TRUTH for it is the foundation of unlocking the kingdom of heaven on Earth