After much thoughts, I have decided to put a pause to this blog, so I focus my energy on other things in life and other internet-related websites by me.
Throughout 2018, there's a lot of lessons from feedback and comments
received about my sharing and music. I really want to thank all of you
for your honesty.
One of the many reasons I am looking forward to 2019
is that there's plenty more of things to share - stories, lessons, music
and life itself.
I do want to sincerely apologize for my shortcomings in my conduct and relationship with you.
Cheers and see you all .. when I see you all...
Monday, December 31, 2018
Sunday, December 30, 2018
29th and 30th December songs
Songs that I led for the weekend
HP : here again v=aIdZ5KRiakM (new)
drawing closer v=BU_Bfejz5Ic
turn it up v=gaOV-TH8G20
for you are with us v=3FruERZYuO0
O praise the name (just chorus) v=LqBpifDpNKc
O :
thanks to God v=G3M8QprrlAo
R : 3rd
C : this is our time v=vpZyjsxlxjA
On my lips v=vZCWMiuVOKU
King of my heart v=EpqSbKYxd9Y
O : thanks to God v=G3M8QprrlAo
R : 3rd
C : Build Your Kingdom : 3rd
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Christmas service's songs
O come o ye faithful
Open my eyes v=meeoaLB-Cl4
Let us adore v=EtO7LxvKfvM
O : Hark the Herald
C : Go tell it on the mountain (just chorus) / We wish you a merry Christmas Tuesday, December 25, 2018
Merry Christmas!
Just as the 🌟 points the wise men to Jesus, my prayer is that His love will guide you through life.
In the world that is full of struggles, may His peace surrounds us because He has come to be with us.
Merry Christmas 🎄
Sunday, December 23, 2018
23rd December songs
Here was the Sunday songs
HP : We have a saviour v=xRJVh9REbdM
Hark the Herald
All power all glory v=Yujj2Jdkz5w
God, You're so good v=7IIZIPtQuW8
O : O come o ye faithful
R : (hp)
C : Run, December 16, 2018
15th December 2018 songs
I lead on Saturday ..
HP : Isn't He v=tjEKkwBZaio
Praise Him v=3wqpTX55IB8
Mighty to save v=I_BJdRpupO8
O : Long time ago in Bethlehem t=26
R : 3rd song
C : Momentum v=Om_ZtwivwQ8
Saturday, December 15, 2018
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Christmas WT gathering
English worship team fellowship - a Christmas/thanksgiving theme
I am truly blessed by the family vibes especially during dinner time. Really enjoyed the fellowship, fun and food.
Thank you to all who came. You all made this possible and I believe all of us are truly blessed by each other’s presence.
Special shoutout to @whupwhupmy for being a wonderful host. And their turkey set this year is really awesome!
Monday, December 10, 2018
NOEL (Rhema Radio project)
BOOM! This is another recording project I was involved in this year.
A Christmas cover with the folks of Rhema Radio, which brought at least 14 churches together for this epic song. It's a huge honour and privilege to part of something big, to reflect the unity in Christ.
Personally, I feel blessed to be part of this - catching up with friends (like Joe, Jason, Alex and Alex the painter) while making new friends.
So.... you know the drill..... watch it, ENJOY it, SHARE it (as much as you can!)
Blessed Christmas and have a wonderful year in 2019!
Sunday, December 9, 2018
warehouse gig
Though yesterday was a long and tiring day but my heart is full, because I am able to do what I love doing and to be a blessing to others.
thanks for the feedback that was shared to me. Let’s keep going!
Thanks for the weekend vibes. Looking forward to Christmas!
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
"make me feel" EP
Greetings peeps,
Pleased to announce that my previously “online EP” is now renamed as “make me feel” EP and it is available at Spotify platform for your streaming pleasure.
You can also stream it at Apple music!! All you need to do is to search for “Tim Lim” on both music platform.
This EP contains 5 songs that were released as singles in the past and all are favourites of many, such as “complete” and “make me feel”. A big shoutout to @iambryanlimus and @loshiseng for being involved in recording and mixing process.
Yes, please stream and share!!
Friday, November 23, 2018
BTS of Ignite recording
#flashbackfriday to BTS of IGNITE recording
Yes, this is among the recording projects that I am involved in this year, which was something I teased about not too long ago.
Here’s the link where you can stream it :-…
It’s God’s blessings that this became a reality - from the songwriting process to recording. Hope you enjoy it so yes, please share and stream it!
Thank you for your patience for this song as I know some have waited a long time for this. More songs to come soon, both from me and the IGNITE team so keep following us on social media for more.
*Please scroll the scenes on Instagram*
Yes, this is among the recording projects that I am involved in this year, which was something I teased about not too long ago.
Here’s the link where you can stream it :-…
It’s God’s blessings that this became a reality - from the songwriting process to recording. Hope you enjoy it so yes, please share and stream it!
Thank you for your patience for this song as I know some have waited a long time for this. More songs to come soon, both from me and the IGNITE team so keep following us on social media for more.
Sunday, November 18, 2018
17-18 November songs
Here are the songs I led on the weekend
HP : God You're so good v=7IIZIPtQuW8
Heaven on Earth v=kWJRiIPoDRA
king of my heart v=EpqSbKYxd9Y
set a fire v=fs6bdFzgQfY
o : forever v=d6xxWGWpaUQ
r : 3rd song
c : this is our time v=vpZyjsxlxjA
hp : Good good Father v=CqybaIesbuA
praise Him v=3wqpTX55IB8
Grace to grace v=sq3mrz_C92s
o : forever v=d6xxWGWpaUQ
r :
king of my heart v=EpqSbKYxd9Y
c : Days of Elijah, November 10, 2018
IGNITE track
Here’s another song you can stream your hearts out. The anthem of our IGNITE conference, written by me and the Chung brothers (Lemuel and Jason)
Here’s another song you can stream your hearts out. The anthem of our IGNITE conference, written by me and the Chung brothers (Lemuel and Jason)
Have a wonderful weekend!!
Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Yessss peeps, here is where you can find me -
My 2 albums are now online for your streaming pleasure. That means you can have me singing to you anytime anywhere, as long as you have Spotify la.. hahaha..
Like I told you, good things come to those who wait. I hope this answers those questions whether you can find me on Spotify.. so yea, now you can!
You can still purchase the physical copies of the albums from me and OpenMicMalaysia. Your support will really encourage songwriters like me.
Credit to Psytrus and his crew at Pulsesoundworks for making this possible. Also, thank you Jonathan Tse for believing in me by making those two albums a reality.
PLEASE follow me at Spotify and share the good news to everyone! Spread the news, pleassseeeee
Thank you all for your tremendous support over the years! Cheers to you all, I hope there’s more things in life we can celebrate together 🙂
Post-credit : (in true Marvel style) well, if there’s Spotify page now, that means there’s new single coming out? Ah, stay tuned for that 🙂
Yessss peeps, here is where you can find me -
My 2 albums are now online for your streaming pleasure. That means you can have me singing to you anytime anywhere, as long as you have Spotify la.. hahaha..
Like I told you, good things come to those who wait. I hope this answers those questions whether you can find me on Spotify.. so yea, now you can!
You can still purchase the physical copies of the albums from me and OpenMicMalaysia. Your support will really encourage songwriters like me.
Credit to Psytrus and his crew at Pulsesoundworks for making this possible. Also, thank you Jonathan Tse for believing in me by making those two albums a reality.
PLEASE follow me at Spotify and share the good news to everyone! Spread the news, pleassseeeee
Thank you all for your tremendous support over the years! Cheers to you all, I hope there’s more things in life we can celebrate together 🙂
Post-credit : (in true Marvel style) well, if there’s Spotify page now, that means there’s new single coming out? Ah, stay tuned for that 🙂
Sunday, November 4, 2018
3rd and 4th November song lists
Lead in both English services.. so here are the songs...
P : o come to the altar v=rYQ5yXCc_CA
P : o come to the altar
This is amazing grace v=XFRjr_x-yxU
Heaven on earth v=kWJRiIPoDRA
Cornerstone v=izrk-erhDdk
O: seek ye first the kingdom of God v=9LMQfOp9w8k
R: 4th
C : Let go v=4T5A46zajFM
HP :
Devotion v=xNtmRC1ewyY
Hear our praises v=c94kMA5IgKo
Lion and the lamb v=C9ujBoud26k
through it all v=4GthZbt1lPo
O: seek ye first the kingdom of God v=9LMQfOp9w8k
R: Devotion
Sunday, October 28, 2018
Friday, October 26, 2018
Speak Faith
It’s one of the points that Bishop Melter shared last
weekend and it really hit me hard. Maybe because I heard his sermon twice on
Sunday (in two different language) so it make sense a bit more but what he
shared on BM service is something I wished everyone heard. Really.
Actually, I wanted to share this thought few days ago but a
lot of things in mind I am battling with. At some point, I feel like giving up
where that sentence above seems to be so hard to even utter.
The oxymoron thing is about life is sometimes when you
totally want to give up, is the time you feel you should practice faith even
“Speak faith” is not an excuse to brush away problems or expecting
rainbows and unicorns all the way but learning to practice faith in God,
knowing everything will eventually be alright, somehow someday, maybe in a
month, a year, a decade. I don’t know exactly about what’s going to happen in
future but God has His timing. Meanwhile, we’ll prepare our hearts to receive and
facilitate that breakthrough.
FB memories reminded me something happened few years ago and
I asked myself and God, “man, how that happened?” Only God can do it. And I
believe He will do it again. Somehow someday.
Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of
things not seen”.
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
mid-Oct updates
I know it’s early to tell or say anything but one of the things I am grateful for in this year is the opportunities to be back in the studio, for various recording projects. Some are collective effort with a few awesome people while one of it is for my new single.
Actually, some of you would know what some of it is all about. Not sure when all of these will be out for all to hear and enjoy but nevertheless, my prayer is that these songs will be pleasing to your dear ears and souls.
Good things come to those who wait and I hope all these are worth your attention. Yup, keep sticking close to my social posts for these!
Ps: well, I received a few feedback that you all loved that new song I debut in this year’s praiseunited. I only have the demo version for all to hear but let me reconsider if i want it to be online. But nevertheless, thanks for your kind words, it will inspire me to write more songs.
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
day 296 of 2018
what a statement.
Credit to him who sincerely admit where he could improve while giving thanks.
So much to learn from here. That's why it's so important to evaluate and getting feedback.
Monday, October 22, 2018
"for you are with us" song story
I think I owe the whole internet world about the story on how the famous "For You are with us" song came about, which I co-wrote with Neil Frenniel.
Quick recap, Neil wrote his side of the story. Well, on my side, it would be quick similar but I try to add some depth to it.
We actually have been bouncing ideas about writing songs together for years. Life and ministry kept us busy till 2016, once I came back KL (after spending 2 years in KK), we had our usual catch up session at myburgerlab Sunway (yes, our usual hangout spot).
After a hearty meal, he told me he has some songs he couldn't finish for years and particularly one song that he felt there's something to it and he asked if I could try to make it work. I said, challenged accepted. Not long after that, I heard his draft and spend some time to workout a chorus and verses that would fit into what he had.
The first verse and pre-chorus was what I received from him that time. Pre-chorus for me was the hook, it's something you cannot run from. It's like the main message or anthem for that melody or song.
The verse 1 and pre-chorus goes like this...
If faith could move a mountain
With faith that's not as tall
Then oh, you mountain move
If faith was all it took
To cross the sea on foot
Then oh, we'll make the move
Pre Chorus :-
We will not be shaken
We will not be moved
We won't be afraid
For You are with us
One story that hits me immediately when I heard(or read) the first verse and pre-chorus is the story of Peter trying to walk on water to Jesus (Matthew 14:22-33) and Neil confirmed that the story of Peter is one of the inspiration to this verse and pre-chorus.
Taking all that into consideration and reflection while understanding the theme and the flow of the song, I spend some time to ponder and then try out some lyrics to complement all those.
Next half of the song was written by me, which was the chorus and verse 2. It is a reflection of Hebrews 11, a passage is about faith. It's also a call for response on the message about faith, which I hope it will reflect and complement what Neil wrote in the first half.
Verse 2
If faith is all we need
To see what can't be seen
Then oh, we'll trust in You
If faith is all it takes
To know His endless grace
We rest our hope in You
God above it all
Nothing can compare
To Your Majesty O Lord
Even through our darkest days
We won’t be afraid
For You’re always here
For You are with us
To Neil's credit, he adjusted the chorus a bit by changing some lyrics. Anyway, after writing my part, I bounced that back to Neil and it is his turn to ponder. Not long after that, he feedback that he recorded a demo of it with the OneAccord team then "challenged" me to sing it at FCC. That time, I wasn't ready or even convinced until a few months before 2017's praiseunited, I heard the demo version and then, there's this stir in my heart to do it in FCC Saturday service. Long story short, did it and the response of the congregation really impressed on me that God is doing something through this song.
In fact, we had an opportunity to sing this song together in 2017's praiseunited. Here's the footage :-
Watching all the worship videos in both FCC and ENC encouraged me in many ways. Firstly, I just knew in my heart that God is using this song to minister to people especially in the area of trusting Him.
Secondly, it feels like an anthem for each of our churches because sometimes life can be tough and unpredictable, but knowing God is in control can be a real encouraging thought.
I just love how Psalms is written -- in the place of joy and trouble, the Psalmist choose to rejoice and trust in God.
Psalm 62:1-2 - "I am at rest in God alone; my salvation comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I will never be shaken".
Here's some trivia part of the song :- I actually was invited to witness the post-production side of the song at the studio, after they recorded it live at their church. During that process, I joined the other OneAccord members in adding our vocals as layers for the live recording. So, that means, there's a small small small percentage of my voice in the recording, basically I am like "in the crowd" singing. Hahaha.
Alright, that's basically the story and I hope you have been blessed by this song. If you haven't, well, here's some facts for you to search, the song is featured in One Accord's "Forgiven seas" worship album, which you can purchase or stream at :-
And here's the Youtube music video of it...
Here are the previous articles I wrote which highlights that song too :-
I think it's a testament of collaboration together.
Moving forward, well, Neil and I have written a few more songs together.. but let's see if any of those will be out like this song.
Anyway, thank you for reading this and God bless!
Quick recap, Neil wrote his side of the story. Well, on my side, it would be quick similar but I try to add some depth to it.
We actually have been bouncing ideas about writing songs together for years. Life and ministry kept us busy till 2016, once I came back KL (after spending 2 years in KK), we had our usual catch up session at myburgerlab Sunway (yes, our usual hangout spot).
After a hearty meal, he told me he has some songs he couldn't finish for years and particularly one song that he felt there's something to it and he asked if I could try to make it work. I said, challenged accepted. Not long after that, I heard his draft and spend some time to workout a chorus and verses that would fit into what he had.
The first verse and pre-chorus was what I received from him that time. Pre-chorus for me was the hook, it's something you cannot run from. It's like the main message or anthem for that melody or song.
The verse 1 and pre-chorus goes like this...
If faith could move a mountain
With faith that's not as tall
Then oh, you mountain move
If faith was all it took
To cross the sea on foot
Then oh, we'll make the move
Pre Chorus :-
We will not be shaken
We will not be moved
We won't be afraid
For You are with us
One story that hits me immediately when I heard(or read) the first verse and pre-chorus is the story of Peter trying to walk on water to Jesus (Matthew 14:22-33) and Neil confirmed that the story of Peter is one of the inspiration to this verse and pre-chorus.
Taking all that into consideration and reflection while understanding the theme and the flow of the song, I spend some time to ponder and then try out some lyrics to complement all those.
Next half of the song was written by me, which was the chorus and verse 2. It is a reflection of Hebrews 11, a passage is about faith. It's also a call for response on the message about faith, which I hope it will reflect and complement what Neil wrote in the first half.
Verse 2
If faith is all we need
To see what can't be seen
Then oh, we'll trust in You
If faith is all it takes
To know His endless grace
We rest our hope in You
God above it all
Nothing can compare
To Your Majesty O Lord
Even through our darkest days
We won’t be afraid
For You’re always here
For You are with us
To Neil's credit, he adjusted the chorus a bit by changing some lyrics. Anyway, after writing my part, I bounced that back to Neil and it is his turn to ponder. Not long after that, he feedback that he recorded a demo of it with the OneAccord team then "challenged" me to sing it at FCC. That time, I wasn't ready or even convinced until a few months before 2017's praiseunited, I heard the demo version and then, there's this stir in my heart to do it in FCC Saturday service. Long story short, did it and the response of the congregation really impressed on me that God is doing something through this song.
In fact, we had an opportunity to sing this song together in 2017's praiseunited. Here's the footage :-
Watching all the worship videos in both FCC and ENC encouraged me in many ways. Firstly, I just knew in my heart that God is using this song to minister to people especially in the area of trusting Him.
Secondly, it feels like an anthem for each of our churches because sometimes life can be tough and unpredictable, but knowing God is in control can be a real encouraging thought.
I just love how Psalms is written -- in the place of joy and trouble, the Psalmist choose to rejoice and trust in God.
Psalm 62:1-2 - "I am at rest in God alone; my salvation comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I will never be shaken".
Here's some trivia part of the song :- I actually was invited to witness the post-production side of the song at the studio, after they recorded it live at their church. During that process, I joined the other OneAccord members in adding our vocals as layers for the live recording. So, that means, there's a small small small percentage of my voice in the recording, basically I am like "in the crowd" singing. Hahaha.
Alright, that's basically the story and I hope you have been blessed by this song. If you haven't, well, here's some facts for you to search, the song is featured in One Accord's "Forgiven seas" worship album, which you can purchase or stream at :-
And here's the Youtube music video of it...
Here are the previous articles I wrote which highlights that song too :-
I think it's a testament of collaboration together.
Moving forward, well, Neil and I have written a few more songs together.. but let's see if any of those will be out like this song.
Anyway, thank you for reading this and God bless!
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