Saturday, March 31, 2018

Holy Saturday

Last night was something.

The testimonies I been hearing were amazing. God is really moving. Personally grateful for God’s leading.

May the message shared remind us of His love for us.

Looking forward to Easter.

Friday, March 30, 2018

Station of the Cross

The station of the Cross.

What is amazing about this painting is that we at STPC painted it together during our spiritual retreat, using our thumbprints. It was wonderful that recently they brought it out again on the Holy Week to help in our reflection about Jesus’ journey to the Cross.

I love how my lecturer Dr James Harding pointed out that the painting seems to have a huge dot there. Although it represent the tomb, we can look at it as though it's a huge "fullstop". Many thought life ends just like that, like a huge "fullstop". But Jesus is works beyond that "fullstop" - He conquered death. That's where we celebrate that resurrection on Sunday.

May this Holy weekend brings us deeper in our walk with Him.

✝️ = ❤️

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

what is peace?

Alright, this is one of the most-talked-about issue recently. I was wondering if I should post this because we live in a world where people are free to make statements as they see fit and I know this will attract discussion.

I am not here to endorse this or to say who is right or wrong especially when it comes to art/creative direction but I encourage you to read this, ponder and chew upon it.
Then, if you need some discussion, PM me about it. I would prefer to chat there instead. Don't flood my comment link.

But the truth is this - in the crazy, messed-up and chaotic world that we are living in - peace is very much needed. Only peace of God helps us to make sense about life around us.

"Peace is not the absence of trouble. Peace is knowing God is with you in the midst of trouble"

Monday, March 12, 2018

Ignite conference 2018

It's gonna be bigger than last year!

Stay tuned for details.. follow the page for latest updates!

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

#sermonrecap : authority of the bible

This is an assurance that whatever happens around us, knowing that we can turn to God's promises and words in the Scripture to understand and make sense what is going on.

“World events are moving very rapidly now. I pick up the Bible in one hand, and I pick up the newspaper in the other. And I read almost the same words in the newspaper as I read in the Bible. It’s being fulfilled every day round about us.”
- Billy Graham

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Thanks AOT

A post shared by Tim Lim (@timlim12) on
This band is one of my local heroes.

They are one of the reasons that got me to where I am today. I believe many will testify the same. A huge inspiration to all of us local Christian artist.

I remember hearing them years ago, probably more than 10 years, and I thought to myself, man, what they do is radical. With faith and music, stepping out beyond the walls of the church to bring the message of hope which became a breakthrough in my thoughts about doing music for God.

Fast forward, I am privileged to know them personally and they are really nice people to hangout with - discussing about music and faith.

Recently they shared about their future and i guess it is part and parcel of life where God is leading them into different seasons in life. To watch them last night was a huge honour for me. Not sure when this gonna happen again but I am proud to call them my heroes and my friends.

The battle's over and we're marching on. Our time is now. . Some of you may know that @armyofthreerock was my first band before @ahmband started. I joined the band when I was 17 and left the band in 09/10. Rejoined at the end of 2014 and put out another album with them in 2016. Toured the album #Heartcore the entire year. . Over the course of 2017, there were times where we spent realigning ourselves musically, spiritually and emotionally. We've all grown in our pace and we're all in different seasons of our lives. For now, the band will no longer be performing and will be on an indefinite hiatus. I don't know if it'll ever be back again. Only time will tell. If you've supported us throughout the years, thank you. . That being said, it may be an end for Army Of Three but it may just be the beginning for you. If you have been blessed, inspired and challenged by Army Of Three to start something for the Kingdom of God, go all out. Have the tenacity and zeal that never ends. Your time is now.
A post shared by Darren Teh An Honest Mistake (@darrenahm) on

My favourite song is “hope against hope”. Still my favourite even after 10 years. So glad it was played live last night.

Rock on @armyofthreerock and thanks for being an inspiration to us all. Looking forward to catchup with you all sometime soon.

Monday, March 5, 2018


It was one of the best gig that I have involved in. All the performers gave their best and the crowd was superb. Loved every moment of it. We even clapped and raise our hands in honouring the One up there whom our songs and hearts are all about.

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Cheers to all who rocked the stage.

Thank you @darrenahm for organizing this as well.

Overall, It's been a packed and long but fruitful and fulfilling weekend. From preaching over 2 English services then to rocking out on public stage. It looks tiring and crazy but when you do what you love to do, it can be fulfilling instead. The feedback I received for both preaching and performing was really helpful and encouraging. On both occasion, I saw the fruits of the sacrifices that I've poured out. All glory to the One up there who made this possible, and I still have a lot to learn.

So, thank you for those love, support, encouragement and prayers.

It's too early to say whether this was one of the best weekends I had but I always believe best is yet to come.

Till the next one, let’s rock on with every breathe that we have.