Sometimes it feels like yesterday. On 9th September 2009, I released my first album – THIS ROAD
As I was young and starting to indulge myself in song writing, the sense of doing an album dawns on me. It’s like my dream to do so, just that I am not sure in capacity.
Thanks to encouragement by friends and being inspired by many local artists’ adventure, I took the step of boldness to do my first album. Trusting it is all God’s plan, I embark on this journey, knowing it won’t be easy. That is why my first album is entitled THIS ROAD.
It’s been 5 years. I remembered the launch vividly. I never forget everyone who came, everyone who supported me, and everyone who encouraged me. Because of all of your little support, here I am writing this note of thanks. Because of all of you, there was a follow-up album – THE DAY AFTER (released in 2012), there’s tours, and seeing how the music reaching to people I myself haven’t met yet, impacting lives in one way or another. I am still amazed that even till today, some people still talk to me about the first album and how much it impacted them. Testimony like this really spurs me on and at the same time, acknowledging that indeed it’s the man upstairs who makes it all possible.
One of the many frequent questions I get for the past few years is will I released another album. Time can only tell. To be honest, I am not sure. But what is certain is I will still be doing music, in one way or another. It’s a passion that never dies.
That’s where this online EP comes in. To celebrate 5 years of the first album release and also a big thank you to all of your support throughout the years.
Here is the link :
This EP contains 5 songs – some songs you have heard before online and 2 new songs I wrote in recent years. I want to thank Lo Shi Seng and Bryan Limus for helping me out in making those songs becoming a reality. All the songs were recorded at Shi Seng’s humble recording studio and Bryan Limus helped in mastering some of the tracks.
As these song is on soundcloud, feel free to loop it as much as you can.If you want the songs as a mp3 and want to play them at your own convenient, you can email me at or contact me then I will send you the songs. If you are convicted to buy these songs from me, well, just let me know. I have no fix price for my songs – you can buy these songs at any price. Basically my concept is like an “online tip jar”.. just tip if you love the songs.
I know some of you ask why I don’t sell it on itunes or spotify or something. It’s a long story to tell but at the end of the day, I guess the personal touch between me and you is vital for me, and I admit I have a niche market for these songs.
That aside, I hope you enjoy this online EP. I hope these songs will be a blessing to you, keeping you excited about what’s next. Most of all, it is to thank all of you. Yes, the online EP is dedicated to all of you.
Much love
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