Friday, April 14, 2017

Good Friday

Yesterday, a worship team member asked me "why bad things always happen when we are around?"

I don't know why I promptly answered, "because we are the best, that's why we can handle bad and screw-up things."

Maybe that day itself, I went through a lot. A lot of things that could go wrong, went wrong! I nearly wanted to break down a few times. In fact, it's the story of my life at times.

Each time I have such questions of WHY, I am always meet with answers from God, who I believe also send some people to remind me too, with the message that sounds like - "because you are the best person for the role/job/in this season".

Hate to admit it but sometimes it's true in many ways. Yup, insert meme quote here : "win liao lor".

There's a reason why we are in the heat of the action when things can go south. Because God is preparing us for something good and have prepared us for such situation. He knows what's best and He know who can deal with it. The best part is, although often we forget, that if God put us there, He will bring us through it.

How David (in the Bible) able to face Goliath? Because he has faced many threats to his herd of sheep such as the bears and lions. 

That proves the sovereignty of God, which I learn again and again, to live it. It's not that I want trouble to happen, but that's God's way to mold us to be better for Him.

Today's Good Friday and we often associate the story of the Cross to this day. I am sure in those days, in the midst of noises asking for Jesus' death, there are questions from some parties that sounds like, "why such things happen to innocent people?" or "can't God do something about it?"

We lived in fallen world, and it takes the best to redeem us from eternal condemnation. That's why Jesus - son of God, son of man, the purest of Lamb - is the best offered to us so we can be restored in our relationship with God. Such selfless act for a world, people like you and I.

While the cross is symbol of death and suffering, what Jesus done on the Cross reminds us that it takes the good Lord to come to Earth to make people good again.

“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
- Romans‬ ‭5:8‬

In the world we seems to always be lost of hope, let's look to the Cross. See the image of love, the amazing grace poured out for us.

My prayers to you all reading this is that whatever you are going through, God is with you. Remember His faithfulness and grace.


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