I was supposed to prepare what I want to share with the school youths later and my mind was zeroed in on Maundy Thursday.
Past few hours I been attending to a lot of "ad hoc" issues. In fact, past few weeks and months, I have been doing so. I can't explain in details what it is about but those understand ministry life, it is what it is la.
Sometimes it's easy for me to say things, comment on everything, give reasons or point fingers at situation/people, etc etc but thinking from another perspective, I always think there's always reasons why all this happen. That's why we have to pray and seek God.
I always ask..pray..seek what's God's will for me, for the ministry, for the people, for the church and for the nation. The reason why I, or we, do so is not because we want things to go our way. The reason is because praying helps us to see things from His perspective.
There's a lot of reasons for us to pray. So keep calm and look to God.
Anyway, why and what Maundy Thursday is all about?
It's where Jesus celebrate His Last Supper with His disciples, asking them to remember His ministry. (Matthew 26:26-29)
This day also commemorates the story of Jesus washing the feet of His
disciples. As He did so, He gave them this mandatum (thus, they called it Maundy) or command: ‘Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them' - (John 13:14-17)
In the midst of craziness, Jesus told His disciples that never forget what they went through and will experience. Above it all, remember that God is sovereign. Be humble and be kind to one another.
So it's a life that we are to experience. A life of humbleness, knowing each day we live is always because of the grace of God.
May we find that grace and strength to live each day. I need that, we need that.
"Let the ruins come to life, in the beauty of Your name" - "Glorious Ruins by Hillsong"
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