Monday, March 5, 2018


It was one of the best gig that I have involved in. All the performers gave their best and the crowd was superb. Loved every moment of it. We even clapped and raise our hands in honouring the One up there whom our songs and hearts are all about.

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Cheers to all who rocked the stage.

Thank you @darrenahm for organizing this as well.

Overall, It's been a packed and long but fruitful and fulfilling weekend. From preaching over 2 English services then to rocking out on public stage. It looks tiring and crazy but when you do what you love to do, it can be fulfilling instead. The feedback I received for both preaching and performing was really helpful and encouraging. On both occasion, I saw the fruits of the sacrifices that I've poured out. All glory to the One up there who made this possible, and I still have a lot to learn.

So, thank you for those love, support, encouragement and prayers.

It's too early to say whether this was one of the best weekends I had but I always believe best is yet to come.

Till the next one, let’s rock on with every breathe that we have.

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