Friday, February 1, 2013

compass (LIVE in KK 7th SEPT 2012)

It seems a lot of people love this song. One of the tracks in my 2nd album.

Recorded live in Kota Kinabalu on 7th September 2012. Thanks Sam Vun for this live footage.

Some simple story about this song :-
In a world where everyone easily caught up with the rat race and busyness, it's easy to get lost in our own ways. This is where we really need God's word and love.
Like when we need to go somewhere, we need GPS, maps, etc etc.. or more old skol way.. compass. Imagine going somewhere without direction. How about if I throw you into the jungle without any directional aid, you will be lost.
Same with our lives, we do need God's love and word to direct us and lead us.

For it says in Psalms -- "Your word is a lamp to my feet, light to my path".

I agree with everyone that this song is nice.. one of my favourite songs I wrote in recent times.

ENJOY and PLEASE share it around =)

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