Saturday, June 21, 2014

something in September


I just want to take this opportunity to announce that in September, I am planning to release some special tracks. 

These songs were actually recorded when I was still in KL. I did not immediately release them because I was playing with thoughts of what to do with it but now, I feel the time has come for the world to listen to them. Details on how I am releasing it, well, I am still looking into it and as time passes on, I hope to have a firm answer for it. It could come in a form of just singles or an online EP. So yea, speaking with faith here on the release.

These songs will mark the 5th anniversary of my 1st album release so I guess that tells you when it is out. At the same time, it's my way to thank you everyone for your never-ending support and love towards my solo project.

I said it many many times, that doing this has never been easy. Sometimes I feel like throwing the towel but by the grace of God, I am still doing music. Your encouragement time and time again reminds me not to take this opportunity lightly. I am also reminded at the end of the day, these songs are not about me but about Him. It's not by my own might but by His strength I am doing this and living life.

With that, I hoping these songs will be a testimonial of God's goodness to all of you. I pray these songs will be a blessing to you all and can't wait to let you guys hear it.

More to come. Till then, much love.

PS : Thank you for reading this long status! 

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